“Discover How Ten Sigma Age-Appropriate Transition Skills Assessments Improve the Transition Assessment Process in 3 Simple Steps PLUS How to Start a Free 14-Day Trial!”

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teacher with student at a computer

Functional Transition Skill Assessments are Essential!

IDEA 2004 requires that students are assessed on their academic achievement and functional performance to establish the Present Levels of Academic and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) for important life and employment skills.


While many educators do a good job of assessing academic performance and using interest inventories to develop a student’s Transition plan, they often miss evaluating students on functional skills that are essential for success in adult life.

Failing to Use Functional Skills Assessments is Out of Compliance and Hurts Students

Without assessing functional skills and including them in the PLAAFP, the IEP is not compliant nor does it adequately prepare students for adult life.  By assessing functional skills, the IEP team identifies priorities of functional skill needs and develop annual goals, Transition services, and/or assign courses of study to address those needs.

Ten Sigma's age appropriate Transition assessment surveys are unique because they…

  • Are research-based, covering 7 categories for important life, employment, and education skills
  • Are available for students with Mild, Moderate, Severe, and Autism Spectrum disabilities
  • Make it easy to include students, teachers, parents, and IEP team members
  • Can be emailed and taken online OR printed and mailed
  • Are easy for the taker and are often completed in about 7 minutes
  • Automatically score, sort, and graph the results
  • Can be customized to meet the needs of your students
  • Make it easy to copy-and-paste results into most IEP software
  • Help teachers save time spent on paperwork, so they can focus on their students
Ten Sigma Free 14 day trial Transition Survey red button no text

3 Simple Steps to Use Ten Sigma Transition Surveys in only 5 minutes!

Select a Transition Survey

Teachers select a research-based assessment that measures the strengths and needs of the student based on a wide range of academic and functional skills

Send the Takers and Send the Survey

Teachers select members of the IEP team who will take the survey and send it via email (or print if necessary).  Whenever possible, we recommend students take the survey as well.

Review and Use the Results

After the IEP team takes the survey, our system automatically scores, sorts, and graphs the data!  Then the teacher and IEP team can identify strengths, needs, and priorities.

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