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Starting Line Program Summary

The Starting Line program is a “spiral curriculum” that guides students through numerous assessments, activities, and tasks in order to identify and reach their own meaningful, postsecondary goals.  As part of the program, students identify their (1) wants and interests, (2) needs and strengths, (3) options for education and training, employment, and independent living, and (4) what they can do while they’re in school to enhance their value, knowledge, & skills.  This process guides students to take ownership and responsibility for the direction of their lives using the following phases:

Phase 1:  Exploring

Phase 1 Sample PDF

Phase 2:  Refining

Phase 2 Sample PDF

Phase 3:  Owning

Phase 3 Sample PDF

Phase 4:  Achieving

Phase 4 Sample PDF


Two Ways to Begin the Starting Line Program

Four Year Program Take 3

For districts or teachers looking to begin the Four Year Program  with current freshman, start by purchasing one Phase 1 workbook for each freshman this year.


Over the next three years, purchase Phases 2, 3, and 4 workbooks as the freshman move through their sophomore, junior, and senior years.



Click Here to View the Starting Line Program F.A.Q.'s

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Fast Track Four Year Program take 2

For districts or teachers looking to implement the Starting Line program in a condensed version, the Fast Track is the solution.


For current sophomores, juniors, and seniors; purchase one Fast Track  workbook for each student.


Fast Track is flexible and also works in programs for 18-22 year olds, alternative programs, and correctional institutions.


Click Here to View the Starting Line Program F.A.Q.'s

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